Saturday, November 8, 2008

Friday, Nov 7 Pebble Isle Marina

Friday morning we departed Green Turtle Bay after spending two full days at one of the best marina resorts in the Midwest. We headed south on Kentucky Lake, and as you can see in the picture above, this is big water. Some say that with a good wind, it can be as treacherous as Lake Superior (OK, so Jeff says maybe not).

Our destination that day was Pebble Isle Marina in Johnsonville, TN. This is a highly recommended marina where Jeff and his family stayed for several days when they did the great loop two years ago. This family run marina has it all - internet wi-fi, satellite TV (every boat has their own controller), small restaurant where everything is cooked just the way you like it. The morning we left we each had an omelet that was about twice the size of the best Perkins has to offer.

We also filled up here with diesel for $2.89 after the Boat US discount. So far, our average fuel cost has been under three bucks a gallon - a LOT less than I had planned when I projected the cost of this trip last fall.

One of the things Jeff and I always do whenever we visit a new marina is tour the docks to look at the boats. We have seen some really nice ones, some really not so nice ones, and every once in awhile we walk around the back lots and see some really ugly ones like the "sail boat" in the picture above. If you can imagine putting tentacles on this boat, I think it would be a man-made octopus.

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